A fully integrated global partner in the bioenergy space.

ESG is an opportunity

The CBC Code of Conduct outlines our company’s ethical and compliance standards for conducting business around the world and serves as a guide for employees when they face dilemmas where the right choice is unclear, always using the ‘Grandfathering Clause’ first.

Our Code is based on our seven Guiding Principles, which are embedded in our culture and serve as the basis for the behaviour expected of all our employees in all parts of the world.

Huge growth potential

CBC’s aim is to feed the world in a safe, responsible and sustainable way. We understand that the supply chains that support the global system of plant raw materials and waste must be sustainable, balancing the needs of today with the needs of future generations.

Our Supplier Code of Conduct explains how we expect farmers, producers, collectors, rendering companies to work with us to achieve this, ethically and in compliance with applicable laws.

Code of Conduct

CBC’s aim is to feed the world in a safe, responsible and sustainable way. We understand that the supply chains that support the global system of plant raw materials and waste must be sustainable, balancing the needs of today with the needs of future generations.

Our Supplier Code of Conduct explains how we expect farmers, producers, collectors, rendering companies to work with us to achieve this, ethically and in compliance with applicable laws.

Our commitment to a circular economy

  • Sustainable raw materials: i.e. working less with virgin inputs and moving towards the use of materials of organic origin or from production process waste;
    Reuse, recycling and recovery: through raw material recovery processes from waste products and the reuse of water and land, as well as the recovery of waste;
  • Prolonging useful life: giving new life to assets from a sustainable perspective.
  • Prolonging useful life: giving new life to assets in a sustainable perspective.

Vertical integration of the business model

  • Sustainable raw materials: i.e. working less with virgin inputs and moving towards the use of materials of organic origin or from production process waste;
  • Reuse, recycling and recovery: through raw material recovery processes from waste products and the reuse of water and land, as well as the recovery of waste;
    Prolonging useful life: giving new life to assets from a sustainable perspective.
  • Prolonging useful life: giving new life to assets in a sustainable perspective.

We power your business with clean energy.

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